It’s Halloween!
It’s Halloween, Halloween my favorite time of year
A time for scary movies and celebrating fear
Halloween, Halloween: the time to trick or treat
And when the candy is all gone, I give out rotten meat
Halloween, oh Halloween I’ll invite my only friend
He’s been dead for a while now, but I still pretend
On Devil’s Night, the night before, I watch the lovely fires
Set with petrol in the road, several used old tires
My costume, well, it’s the best: a frightful leather mask
Just what it is I made it from, you would be better not to ask
It’s Halloween I must escape this guarded institution
To trick or treat; oh how I love the cool night air pollution
(I just saw this on Google Images, thought it was creepy, and stole it to post here.)
Apparently there was another super-sensationalized mass shooting in Oregon. I just wonder what the media and the politicians will blame this time. Will it be those evil guns? How about violent vidya games? Perhaps it was Marilyn Manson or some violent movie. I know one thing for certain. They'll sure as shit never, ever, ever, EVER blame the killer. That much you can rely on. That just wouldn't be provocative enough. If the actual killer is blamed, then how can the government justify more excuses to send us all to federal fuck-me-in-the-ass prison? And don't give me that mentally ill bullshit either. The last thing in the world we need is some kind of mentally ill watch list. Practically everyone on this planet has at least a little something wrong with their mind. Fuck that noise. I wish I could just move to Pluto or something.