< rant >
The other day I was talking to some people about the homeless when someone spoke up and said something along the lines of, “I don’t feel sorry for them in the slightest because they brought it all on themselves.” The statement really gave me pause. I believe that statement pretty much sums up everything that is wrong with humanity. A lot of people have this belief too. It is as though some are completely unaware that they themselves are just one or two fuck ups away from losing everything they hold dear. We are all standing on the edge of an abyss, people. A dishonest cop could be having a bad day and decide to falsely accuse you of a crime. Your house could burn down due to faulty wiring. You could fall down and break your leg and become addicted to prescription pain killers (just like all those dirty dope heads everyone is always complaining about). I’m not a fan of The Bible, but doesn’t it say somewhere in there that but for the grace of God, there go I? Where the fuck is your empathy, christians? And never mind that the vast majority of the homeless are war veterans who at one time probably believed they were fighting for your freedom. YOU: the very one who feels absolutely no pity for them. A lot of people probably think I’m a twisted, crazy, hellbound asshole, but if that’s true then what does that make the lot of you? I don’t think I want to live on this planet anymore. Everyone is so cold hearted…like a reptile in human skin.
< /rant >